Please Help EndPTSD For Police Officers Across The US!

One tour can last
a lifetime.

TTM PTP was developed to address an unmet need state in the marketplace – specifically, the need for first responders to have access to anonymous counseling from a peer after their shift (‘tour”)

We have created an anonymous, confidential, secure protocol for law enforcement officers, Post Tour Processing (PTP), which will effect changes in the areas of reducing stress, alcoholism, divorce and suicide in the culture of law enforcement nationwide.

It is important to understand the process that allowed the development to create the system that will change policing in the most positive way in decades. It was developed “By Police, For Police, With Police”. Post Tour Processing is an independent not-for-profit group of committed and concerned retired police officers and police professionals, formed to address a gap in the services available for law enforcement. It was the Executive Board of TTMPT who identified and developed the preventive program to make available a viable solution for police officers that would not otherwise have a place to support each other.

It is imperative that an autonomous, anonymous option be offered to afford law enforcement officers the opportunity to “rewind their roll call” and support each other with what only they can understand. The PTP-trained peer facilitated forum will afford an opportunity for support and education as well as issue identification and, when appropriate, referrals. Police officers will be able to voluntarily seek peer support through a secure, anonymous virtual platform.

This independent forum will address concerns that officers have about their career being diminished as a result of seeking assistance.

This independent option will not preclude or replace the existing programs available to law enforcement. The current programs do not adequately meet the needs of some officers. It is simply believed that a bifurcated program will envelope most law enforcement officers.

Our program has an Oversight Committee which will allow input and collaboration from a panel that is sensitive to the needs of law enforcement. Ongoing educational seminars and presentations will be provided. The early support group to those with PTSD is the most preventive approach. Now is the time to react to this, affording prevention of ongoing police suicide. This forum demonstrates a concrete alternative to a complex problem.

  1. Contact to find out who to reach out to in our organization or your area
  2. Acquire secure, randomized credentials to the site
  3. Connect to meeting whenever you come off of a tour or have spare time
  4. Listen in to peers, or actively participate, however you feel comfortable.
  5. Unwind the stressors of your tour and feel better equipped for tomorrow!

Our groups are facilitated by trained peers, your peers. Our peer facilitators are volunteers and represent the finest of our police. They come to us with a wealth of knowledge, providing coaching to their peers in departments around the tri-state region. We are fortunate to bring their years of experience to this platform where they may help you with Post Tour Processing.